Desempenho, características da carcaça, digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, metabolismo de nitrogênio e parâmetros ruminais de cordeiros alimentados com rações contendo polpa cítrica úmida semidespectinada e/ou polpa cítrica desidratada Performance, carcass characteristics, apparent digestibility of nutrients, nitrogen metabolism and ruminal measures of lambs fed diets containing wet low pectin citrus pulp and/or dried citrus pulp ABSTRACT -The objective of this study was to determine the effects of partial replacement of dried citrus pulp (DCP)by wet low pectin citrus pulp (WLPCP), wet low pectin citrus pulp silage (WLPCPS) or wet low pectin citrus pulp silage with sodium benzoate (WLPCPS+B) on performance and carcass characteristics, apparent digestibility of nutrients, ruminal measures, and nitrogen metabolism of lambs. In the performance trial, 64 Santa Inês ram lambs were fed 95% concentrate and 5% sugarcane bagasse diets during 56 days. The experimental design was a randomized complete block (RCB). The control diet contained 69.5% DCP, while in the other treatments fresh or ensiled WLPCP replaced DCP by 30% on a DM basis.There were no differences in DMI, ADG or carcass characteristics. However, feed efficiency was greater for lambs fed WLPCP compared with lambs fed DCP. In the digestibility trial, 16 Santa Inês ram lambs, canulated in the rumen, were assigned to a RCB design. Animals were fed diets containing 85% of concentrate and 15% of sugarcane bagasse. The control diet contained 75.3% DCP. A portion (30%) of the DCP DM was replaced by WLPCP, WLPCPS or WLPCPS+B. There was no difference in DM, organic matter or crude protein apparent digestibilities, except for neutral detergent fiber digestibility. Additionally, ruminal ammonia concentration was higher in diets containing DCP compared with WLPCPS and WLPCPS+B. Nevertheless, no effects of treatments were seen on the other ruminal measures. Fresh or ensiled WLPCP can partially replace DCP in rations with high level of concentrate for feedlot lambs.