One of the ways to implement an innovative model of economic development is state financial support for priority areas of innovative activity, which are aimed at ensuring the economic security of the state, creating high-tech competitive environmentally friendly products, providing high-quality services and increasing the export potential of the state. The Law of Ukraine "On Priority Areas of Innovative Activity in Ukraine" approved 7 strategic priority areas of innovative activity, according to which the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some issues of determining medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the national level for 2017-2022" (No. 1056 from 28.12.2016) 41 medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the national level for 2017-2022 have been established, and annual monitoring of their implementation by the main managers of budget funds has been introduced. The Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information monitors the implementation of priority areas of innovative activity, which is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine informs about its results. The purpose of the scientific work is to research and assess the state of implementation of strategic and medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the national level by the main managers of budget funds for the use of the obtained results in the implementation of the state innovation policy, in particular, the forecasting of scientific, technical and innovative development. Monitoring of the implementation of priority areas of innovative activity in 2021 was carried out on the basis of the data of the main administrators on the implementation of innovative activities by them and the implementation of technology transfer at the expense of the state budget. A comparative assessment of the results of innovative activity was carried out in terms of strategic priorities and medium-term priorities of the national level; by types of innovative activity; the dynamics of innovative activity and technology transfer in the domestic and foreign markets were studied. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were drawn regarding the growth in 2021 of the business sector's demand for innovative developments and a real increase in the amount of budget funding of priority areas of innovative activity; increasing activity of technology transfer in domestic and foreign markets; an increase in the number of fundamentally new technologies transferred to the foreign market; growth in the share of technologies transferred to industrial enterprises; transfer with registration of intellectual property rights on the foreign market of all technologies, on the domestic market – the majority of them. Proposals have been given to activate and increase the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in priority areas, including: increase the funding of scientific research with a focus on the transfer of the results of fundamental scientific research into the thematic areas of R&D with the involvement of the business sector in funding; to intensify the stimulation of investors (domestic and foreign) to support scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments and innovative activities; to intensify the stimulation of the scientific sector to the formation of topical and demanded topics of scientific research aimed at the creation of innovative developments to ensure the innovative development of the domestic economy.