In recent years, the cost-effectiveness of deploying and maintaining Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), coupled with their capacity to operate in remote or hazardous environments inaccessible to human pilots, has garnered significant research attention in both military and civilian domains. The utilisation of multi-agent UAVs has experienced substantial growth, particularly for intricate tasks such as surveying and monitoring, necessitating extensive research and development efforts. This expansion demands more intricate control, communication, and coordination mechanisms. Assessing and analysing these multi-agent systems under flight dynamic conditions pose notable challenges. This paper proposes the development of a mathematical model for a leader-follower structured Quadrotor UAVs that accurately represents the dynamic behaviour while considering the ad-hoc networking system via COOJA. The aim is to construct a model that fulfils the need for a simulation environment, which researchers can employ to evaluate and analyse formation control mechanisms. Simulation results are presented from a case study to exemplify a potential application of this approach. A comparative assessment of performance between the proposed system and the traditional counterpart reveals enhanced leader-follower flight performance concerning attitude and position tracking while taking into consideration the ad-hoc networking infrastructure.