Objectives Dabigatran-induced oesophagitis has emerged in recent years. However, the incidence and clinical characteristics of patients with dabigatran-induced oesophagitis have not yet been clarified. The aim of this study was to examine the clinical characteristics of the disease. Methods A retrospective analysis was undertaken of the literature on dabigatran-induced oesophagitis in Chinese and English from 2008 onwards. Results There were 20 men (74.07%) and seven women (25.93%) in the study; their median age was 75 years (range 37-90). The main clinical symptoms were dysphagia (42.31%), odynophagia (26.92%), retrosternal pain (23.08%) and heartburn (23.08%). Endoscopy mainly showed sloughing mucosal casts (14 cases, 56%), ulcers (8 cases, 32%) and erosion (6 cases, 24%). The main injury sites were the mid to lower oesophagus (32%) and the mid oesophagus (32%). Withdrawal of dabigatran or giving the correct medication regimen resulted in rapid recovery of clinical symptoms from 1 day in some patients and up to 4 weeks, and mucosal recovery (2-5 weeks) in a median time of 3 weeks (range 0.29-48) in all patients. Conclusions Oesophagitis is a rare complication of dabigatran with a good prognosis. Patients should be given proper medication instructions to prevent the occurrence of dabigatran-induced oesophagitis.