A gronomy J our n al • Volume 10 8 , I ssue 4 • 2 016 P otato is a staple crop worldwide, ranking fourth aft er maize (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). As potato consumption increases there is a need to understand the mechanisms that drive its yield. However, the origins of yield diff erences are rarely made clear in cultivar comparisons (Van Der Zaag and Doornbos, 1987) and breeding programs.Potato crop growth and tuber yields have been linked to the duration of the growth cycle, which depends on climate, cultivar, and crop management (Kooman et al., 1996a(Kooman et al., , 1996b. Th erefore, assuming optimum crop management, diff erences in tuber yield among potato cultivars can be explained by differences in accumulated intercepted radiation, the utilization coeffi cient of foliage followed by DM distribution within the plant (Van Der Zaag and Doornbos, 1987). Indeed, the amount of radiation intercepted by a crop and the RUE provide a useful basis for investigating yield variation (Monteith, 1977). From this concept, a simple model to express potato DM growth has been reported (Jamieson et al., 2004) as:where Y is the tuber yield, R o is the daily incident solar radiation received, R/R o is the daily fraction of R o which is intercepted by the canopy (R being the daily average radiation intercepted by the plant), and RUE is the overall photosynthetic effi ciency of the crop (i.e., the effi ciency of conversion of radiant to chemical potential energy). Th e HI is the fraction of the dry matter produced which is allocated to the tubers. Th e integration of these components over time (t; days) from crop emergence (em) allows the description of biomass accumulation in terms of plant development processes. Th is is a common approach used for potato yield analysis (Van Der Zaag and Doornbos, 1987;Spitters et al., 1989;Ellissèche and Hoogerndoorn, 1995) and simulation models of potato yield (Jamieson et al., 2004). Th e amount of radiation intercepted by the crops is reportedly the central component to explain
ABSTRACTUnder ideal growing conditions, yield is the product of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR i ) and its conversion effi ciency to dry matter (radiation use effi ciency, RUE). For potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ability of the leaf to convert the PAR i into carbohydrates (source) and the storage capacity of the tubers (sink) aff ect the potential growth of individual tubers and therefore crop yield. Th is study describes these mechanisms for three commercial potato cultivars (Bondi, Fraser, and Russet Burbank) grown in non-limiting fi eld conditions. At fi nal harvest Bondi had the largest tuber yield and produced heavier but fewer tubers compared with Fraser and Russet Burbank. All crops had similar total accumulated radiation interception (R cum ), and yield diff erences were explained by the RUE which was highest for Bondi, lowest for Fraser, with Russet Burbank intermediate. Fraser had the lowest rate of canopy senescence, maintained the lowe...