The recent financial crisis has highlighted the need to go beyond a purely micro approach to financial regulation and supervision. In recent months, the number of policy speeches, research papers and conferences that discuss a macro perspective on financial regulation has grown considerably. The policy debate is focusing in particular on macroprudential tools and their usage, their relationship with monetary policy, their implementation and their effectiveness. Macroprudential policy has recently also attracted considerable attention among researchers. This paper provides an overview of research on this topic. We also identify important future research questions that emerge from both the literature and the current policy debate.JEL classification: E58, G28.Key words: Macroprudential policy.
1The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be taken to reflect those of the BIS or De Nederlandsche Bank. We would like to thank Itai Agur, Bill Allen, Claudio Borio, Maria Demertzis, Marvin Goodfriend, Pierre Lafourcade, Iman van Lelyveld, Kasper Roszbach, Philip Turner and Haibin Zhu for helpful comments and discussions, and Bruce Bowlin for excellent research assistance. The authors' email addresses are and