the maximum of Ϫ40 dB. S 21 showed a similar shape as S 31 and S 41 , but slightly exceeded Ϫ40 dB in the specific frequency band, 5-7 GHz. It is a reason that only one EBG cell exists between port 1 and 2, so the suppression function of EBG did not operate properly. So, it was confirmed from the results that the proposed triangular EBG structure can provide the means of effectively eliminating SSN at the entire PCB board.
CONCLUSIONIn this article, a novel uniplanar compact electromagnetic bandgap (UC-EBG) composed of triangular-type unit cells with two bridges is proposed for the ultra-wideband suppression of SSN from 800 MHz to 15 GHz and beyond. The SSN suppression performance of the proposed structure has been validated both numerically and experimentally. When compared with traditional UC-EBG structures, the key feature of the proposed structure lies in the use of a triangular structure with different bridges as the EBG unit cell, which extends the suppression frequency range up to 15 GHz and beyond. Furthermore, it is clear that triangular shaped unit cells would be a more suitable structure for application to arbitrarily shaped P/G planes than rectangular ones. As such, the proposed structure could be widely used to build stable power distribution networks in high-speed digital systems.ABSTRACT: In this article, resonant characteristics of novel microstrip resonators based on the Sierpinski carpet fractal geometries are proposed in detail. With increasing the iteration order of the Sierpinskibased fractal resonators, the resonant frequency is decreased but the unloaded quality factor is slightly enhanced. The resonant properties are discussed using the RLC equivalent circuit. Additional, the design guide for bandpass filter using the nth order resonator is also developed. Using these fractal resonators, several dual-mode bandpass filters using different order resonators can be designed and fabricated to verify the advantages of the size and insertion loss reduction. It is also found good agreement between the simulation and measurement is achieved.ABSTRACT: This article presents a dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter based on double-sided parallel-strip line with an inserted conductor plane. Due to the isolation property of the conductor plane, this structure can provide two separate transmission paths to generate two passbands. No extra combination circuits are required at the input/output ports, simplifying the design and reducing circuit area. To demon-Figure 5 (a) Photograph and (b) passband and wideband performance of the dual-mode BPF with the 3rd order resonator. (For center frequency of 2.4 GHz, l ϭ 17 mm, L 1 ϭ 2.4 mm, L 2 ϭ 7.81 mm, W 1 ϭ 1.2 mm, W 2 ϭ 0.1 mm, and S ϭ 0.1 mm. Parameters are defined in Fig. 3)