cost. If the thickness of the substrate could be less, more size reduction effect could be achieved. However, the limitation of the line width in our PCB process is 0.15 mm. The photograph of the fabricated MEBE-on-microstrip coupler is shown in Figure 6.
EVALUATION OF MEBE-ON-MICROSTRIP HYBRID COUPLERFigures 7 and 8 show the designed and measured scattering parameters corresponding to the conventional branch-line and proposed couplers, respectively. The MEBE-based coupler exhibits an insertion loss not greater than 3.5 dB at the operating frequency, which is comparable with the conventional one. The measured reflection coefficients are below 20 dB. The measured isolation between ports 1 and 3 is also better than 25 dB at the operating frequency band. The proposed coupler operates in the same way as the conventional one, but effectively rejects the 2nd and 3rd spurious harmonics by Ϫ25 and Ϫ19 dB, respectively. Obviously, rather than the large size, the conventional rat-race hybrid ring suffers severely from the interference of harmonics. Table 1 lists the comparisons between existing MEBE-on-microstrip [19 -21], conventional, and proposed rat-race hybrid couplers.
CONCLUSIONThis article presents a novel MEBE cell and its attractive application in rat-race hybrid ring coupler. Design motivation is for harmonics suppression and miniaturization. The insertion losses of less than 3.5 dB, less than 20 dB return loss, and isolation of better than 25 dB are obtained. In addition, a 25-dB suppression for the 2nd harmonic and a 19-dB suppression for the 3rd harmonic are also achieved, together with reducing circuit area by 64.62% relative to conventional rat-race coupler without sacrificing the performance. The proposed planar MEBE structure enables an easy implementation in common PCB process with no rigorous and additional process steps such as 3D technology, additional lumped components, ground etching, via holes and bonding wire, and holds great promise for use in RF and microwave systems for miniaturization and harmonic suppression. [7,8], cross-absorption modulation (XAM) [9], stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) [10], and four-wave-mixing (FWM) [11,12]. Especially, frequency conversion schemes based on FWM in highly nonlinear fibers (HNLFs) have shown fast response, modulation-format transparency, the capacity for both up-and down-conversions, and the potential of realizing multichannel wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) RoF transmission. Although several FWM-based frequency upconversion schemes have been presented [11,12], FWM mechanism used for optical frequency down-conversion is limited. In this article, we propose a simple bidirectional all-optical frequency up/down-converter based on FWM in a section of HNLF, which is based on the same mechanism for both directions.
ABSTRACT: A frequency up/down-converter is proposed based on fiber four-wave-mixing (FWM) between the output of a dual-wavelength
PRINCIPLEThe principle of frequency up-conversion is shown in Figure 1(a). Two phase-fixed optical modes, LO...