Technical textile materials with multifunctional protective properties represent one of the largest and fast growing segments of the textile industry. Multifunctional water-and oil-repellent and fl ame-retardant coating on polyester (PES) fabric was prepared in this research using fl uoroalkyl-functional siloxane (FAS) as the water-and oil-repellent fi nishing agent and organophosphonate (OP) as the fl ame-retardant agent. A fi nishing solution containing FAS and OP of appropriate concentrations was applied to the untreated and oxygen plasma-treated PES fabric samples using the pad-dry-cure method. For comparison, single-component FAS and OP fi nishing solutions were applied to the fabric samples under the same conditions. The coated PES samples were washed under standard conditions. The morphological, chemical and functional properties of the coated PES samples were determined with scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, wet pick up, liquid contact and sliding angles measurements as well as oil repellence and vertical burning tests. The results reveal that oxygen plasma treatment prior to fi nishing signifi cantly increased the wettability of the PES fi bres, which directly resulted in increased concentration of the absorbed fi nishing agents. This treatment enabled the creation of PES fabric with simultaneous superhydrophobic, oleophobic and fl ame-retardant properties. Although the superhydrophobic and oil-repellent characteristics of the coating were preserved after washing, the fl ame retardancy was hindered because of the removal of OP in the washing bath. Keywords: polyester fi bre, fi nishing, multifunctional properties, water and oil repellence, fl ame retardancy, washing fastnessIzvleček Tehnični tekstilni materiali z večfunkcionalnimi zaščitnimi lastnostmi so eden največjih in najhitreje rastočih segmentov tekstilne industrije. V raziskavi so pripravljene večfunkcionalne vodo-in oljeodbojne ter ognjevarne apreture na poliestrski (PES) tkanini z uporabo fl uoroalkil-funkcionalnega siloksana (FAS) kot vodo-in oljeodbojnega apreturnega sredstva in organofosfonata (OP) kot ognjevarnega apreturnega sredstva. Apreturna kopel, ki je vključevala FAS in OP ustrezne koncentracije, je bila nanesena na neobdelano in s plazmo kisika predhodno obdelano tkanino PES s postopkom, ki je vključeval impregniranje, sušenje in kondenziranje. Za primerjavo sta bili na tkanino PES pri enakih pogojih naneseni tudi enokomponentni apreturni kopeli s FAS oziroma z OP. Apretirani vzorci tkanine PES so bili oprani pri standardnih pogojih. Morfološke, kemijske in funkcionalne lastnosti apretiranih vzorcev so bile določene z vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo, infrardečo spektroskopijo s Fourierjevo transformacijo, nanosom kopeli, stičnimi koti in koti zdrsa tekočin, oljeodbojnostjo in ognjevarnostjo. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da je obdelava s plazmo kisika pred apretiranjem močno povečala omočljivost vlaken PES, kar je neposredno vplivalo na povečanje koncentracije adsorbiranih apreturnih sredstev. Tak...