Abstract. As the web evolves over time, the amount of versioned text collections increases rapidly. Most web search engines will answer a query by ranking all known documents at the (current) time the query is posed. There are applications however (for example customer behavior analysis, crime investigation, etc.) that would need to efficiently query these sources as of some past time, that is, retrieve the results as if the user was posing the query in a past time instant, thus accessing data known as of that time. Ranking and searching over versioned documents considers not only keyword constraints but also the time dimension, most commonly, a time point or time range of interest. In this paper, we deal with top-k query evaluations with both keyword and temporal constraints over versioned textual documents. In addition to considering previous solutions, we propose novel data organization and indexing solutions: the first one partitions data along ranking positions, while the other maintains the full ranking order through the use of a multiversion ordered list. We present an experimental comparison for both time point and time interval constraints. For time-interval constraints, different querying definitions, such as aggregation functions and consistent top-k queries are evaluated. Experimental evaluations on large real world datasets demonstrate the advantages of the newly proposed data organization and indexing approaches. If a text collection does not retain past documents, then a search query ranks only the documents as of the most current time. If the collection contains versioned documents, a search typically considers each version of a document as a separate document and the ranking is taken over all documents independently to the document's version (creation time). There are applications however, where this approach is not