A GO 2 /kerosene ejector rocket chamber was designed and tested to meet the requirements of the direct-connection tests of the RBCC engine model, and its performance was experimentally and numerically evaluated. Such an ejector rocket chamber is required to operate in a very wide range of total mass flow (̇= .~. / ). To realize such a wide work range by one set of ejector rocket chamber, double-recessed-coax-swirl (DRSC) spray nozzles were firstly designed and installed in a low mass flow rate range (̇=~/ ) ejector rocket chamber. The rocket was tested both separately and jointly with the RBCC engine. The * of the rockets were ranged from 88% to 98%, and it was positively influenced by the momentum flux ratio and the pressure drop ratio of the injector. The improved spray nozzles were used and tested perfectly in the high mass flow rate range ejector rocket chamber. No thermal damage occurred under all operating conditions, and steadily operation was achieved as well.
NomenclatureC * = characteristic velocity ℎ * = theory characteristic velocity * = experimental characteristic velocity p c = rocket chamber pressure ̇ = total mass flow rate ̇O = oxygen mass flow rate ̇k ero = kerosene mass flow rate ̇N = force coefficient in the y direction A t = Area of the throat O/F = mixture ratio =m o /m f O2 = flow coefficient of oxygen kero = flow coefficient of kerosene O2 = pressure upstream of the oxygen sonic nozzle kero = pressure upstream of the kerosene venturi tube * = characteristic velocity efficiency g = outlet pressure of the gas hole g = jet velocity of the gas l = outlet pressure of the kerosene channels la = axis jet velocity of the kerosene = momentum flux ratio Δ = pressure drop Δ = pressure drop ratio1 PHD student, school of astronautics, zhushaohua@sa.buaa.edu.cn 2 PHD student, school of astronautics, tianliangg@sina.com 3 Graduate student, school of astronautics, onecangzhitao@hotmail.com 4 Professor, school of astronautics,