Reducing blood flow to working muscles during dynamic exercise causes metabolites to accumulate within the active muscles and evokes systemic pressor responses. Whether a similar cardiovascular response is elicited with normal blood flow to exercising muscles during dynamic exercise remains unknown, however. To address that issue, we tested whether cardiovascular responses are affected by increases in blood flow to active muscles. Thirteen healthy subjects performed dynamic plantarflexion exercise for 12 min at 20%, 40%, and 60% of peak workload (EX20, EX40, and EX60) with their lower thigh enclosed in a negative pressure box. Under control conditions, the box pressure was the same as the ambient air pressure. Under negative pressure conditions, beginning 3 min after the start of the exercise, the box pressure was decreased by 20, 45, and then 70 mmHg in stepwise fashion with 3-min step durations. During EX20, the negative pressure had no effect on blood flow or the cardiovascular responses measured. However, application of negative pressure increased blood flow to the exercising leg during EX40 and EX60. This increase in blood flow had no significant effect on systemic cardiovascular responses during EX40, but it markedly attenuated the pressor responses otherwise seen during EX60. These results demonstrate that during mild exercise, normal blood flow to exercising muscle is not a factor eliciting cardiovascular responses, whereas it elicits an important pressor effect during moderate exercise. This suggests blood flow to exercising muscle is a major determinant of cardiovascular responses during dynamic exercise at higher than moderate intensity. integrated circulatory regulation; neural cardiovascular regulation; muscle metaboreflex DURING DYNAMIC EXERCISE, INCREASED skeletal muscle blood flow is essential to ensure an appropriate supply of O 2 to the active muscles and to remove the metabolic byproducts and generated heat. This exercise-induced skeletal muscle hyperemia is thought to be initially elicited by local mechanical and metabolic factors and to be modulated by neural cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms (8,41). Neural mechanisms also act to increase cardiac output (CO) and to redistribute blood flow from inactive regions to support the increase in skeletal muscle flow. This neural cardiovascular regulation is thought to be mediated by central command (41), as well as by feedback transmitted via afferent nerves (group III and IV fibers), innervating the working skeletal muscles, which are sensitive to mechanical (the so-called muscle mechanoreflex) and metabolic changes (the so-called muscle metaboreflex) (26,33,34,37,42), and are modulated via the arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes (23,41,42).Reducing the blood flow to working muscles during dynamic exercise causes accumulation of metabolites within the active muscles and evokes muscle metaboreflex-mediated increases in sympathetic nerve activity, heart rate (HR), and systemic blood pressure (1,5,12,19,29,30,35,42). In addition, the reduced b...