Designing the vibroacoustic properties of thin-walled structures is of particularly high practical relevance in the design of vehicle structures. The vibroacoustic properties of thin-walled structures, e.g., vehicle bodies, are usually designed using finite element models. Additional development effort, e.g., experimental tests, arises if the quality of the model predictions are limited due to inherent model uncertainty. Model uncertainty of finite element models usually occurs in the modeling process due to simplifications of the geometry or boundary conditions. The latter highly affect the vibroacoustic properties of a thin-walled structure. The stiffness of the boundary condition is often assumed to be infinite or zero in the finite element model, which can lead to a discrepancy between the measured and the calculated vibroacoustic behavior. This paper compares two different boundary condition assumptions for the finite element (FE) model of a simply supported rectangular plate in their capability to predict the vibroacoustic behavior. The two different boundary conditions are of increasing complexity in assuming the stiffness. In a first step, a probabilistic model parameter calibration via Bayesian inference for the boundary conditions related parameters for the two FE models is performed. For this purpose, a test stand for simply supported rectangular plates is set up and the experimental data is obtained by measuring the vibrations of the test specimen by means of scanning laser Doppler vibrometry. In a second step, the model uncertainty of the two finite element models is identified. For this purpose, the prediction error of the vibroacoustic behavior is calculated. The prediction error describes the discrepancy between the experimental and the numerical data. Based on the distribution of the prediction error, which is determined from the results of the probabilistic model calibration, the model uncertainty is assessed and the model, which most adequately predicts the vibroacoustic behavior, is identified.