[5]. In this work equations of motion were derived of the whole system using the Newton-Euler formulation for translational and rotational dynamics of a rigid body [1]. This paper is focusing on studying the nature of characteristics such as nonlinearity and coupling of variables, then adding disturbances that are presented as an environment for outdoor simulation [3], which is omitted in most of the literature. The structure of the paper is as follows: describing both the kinematics and dynamics then explaining the equations of motion.
Reference Systems for the UAV HexacopterIn order to describe the hexacopter motion only two reference systems are necessary: earth inertial frame (E-frame) and body-fixed frame (B-frame). An Inertial frame is a system that uses the North, East, and Down (NED) coordinates and the origin of this reference system is fixed in one point located on the earth surface as shown in Figure 1, and the (X, Y, Z) axes are directed to the North, East, and Down, respectively. The mobile frame (X B , Y B , Z B ) is the body fixed frame that is centered in the hexacopter center of gravity and oriented as shown in Figure 1. The angular position of the body frame with respect to the inertial one is usually defined by means of the Euler angles: roll M, pitch T, and yaw \. which is orthogonal, and cT equivalent to cosT also sT means sinT, while the transformation matrix for angular velocities from the body frame to the inertial one is S
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments in Axial FlightIn order to describe the dynamics of the hexacopter, that is assumed to be a rigid body and has a symmetrical structure, Newton-Euler equations [1] [3], that govern linear and angular motion are used as shown in equation 2, where m is the mass of hexacopter, F ¦ is the total force and M ¦ is the total moment acting along the axis: C and Q C are respectively thrust and torque coefficients, U is the air density and A the disc area. The thrust and torque coefficients can be written as:J and i J are the inflow factors [5]. Finally, the total force of thrust generated by the six propellers in the earth frame is defined as: It is the opposing force to the travelling of the hexacopter in air, which is resulting from the aerodynamic friction, air density, velocity, and can be expressed by the following equation at the earth's frame: , has a small effect and approximately equal to zero. Therefore, the equations, after some simplifications, are as follows: Therefore, the final equations with respect to Earth frame are:
Moments AnalysisThe aircraft is affected by several types of moments: the thrust moment resulting from the motors, the motors inertia moment, the aerodynamic moment, and the disturbances moment. Supposing, the inertia matrix of the aircraft is J, the structure of the aircraft is symmetric, so Therefore, the moments acting on the center of the aircraft can be analyzed as follows: a. Propeller Moments: The thrust M is part of the external moments, and is described by the propeller thrust It is the moment resulting fro...