Populations and free-energy differences for the E and
Z conformations of S-methyl,
isopropyl, and cyclopentyl thioformate were determined by
low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy, and free-energy barriers of 10.63 and 11.84 kcal/mol were obtained for
interconversion of E and Z conformations
S-methyl thioformate at −52.4 °C. Populations and
free-energy differences were also determined at room
temperature by using 13C NMR for a series of N-substituted
formamides and N-cyclopropylacetamide in 1%
solutions in
In both sets of compounds, electron-withdrawing groups attached to
sulfur or
nitrogen appear to favor the E conformations. The
electronegativities of the groups are taken to increase in
the order methyl < vinyl ∼ phenyl ∼ cyclopropyl < hydrogen <
ethynyl. Data from the literature are discussed
in these terms, including the E−Z energy
differences for formic acid and its ethynyl, vinyl, and methyl