“…Indeed, otherwise, for any solution S ⊆ V (G) of size at most k, G\S would contain as a minor a large enough grid, as a function of F, which would contain a planar graph in F as a minor, contradicting the fact that S is a solution. Therefore, when F contains a planar graph, Theorem 3.4 yields an algorithm to solve F-M-Deletion in time 2 O F ,H ( √ k•log k) • n when the input graph is H-minor-free, and, by Theorem 10.2, in time 2 O F ,g ( √ k) • n when the input graph has genus at most g. Plausibly, using the results in [45], the running time 2 O F ,g ( √ k) • n could be achieved also for H-minor-free graphs. To be best of our knowledge, subexponential algorithms for F-M-Deletion on these classes of graphs were not known before.…”