QoS adaptation is an important process in inter-domain service mana g ement, since it can g uarantee the correct service provisionin g when unexpected events occur.However, in inter-domain environments, the human interference and the manual-based operations hamper the deployment of expeditious mechanisms to adapt the QoS of the services. This paper presents an approach based on SOA principles to perform QoS adaptation in these environments. This approach allows providers to determine the new QoS parameters, rene g otiate these parameters with other providers alon g the provisionin g path, update their contracts and enforce the chan g es in the equipment confi g uration in an automatic and on-demand fashion. The QoS adaptation process can be caused by technical (QoS violations, infrastructure malfunctions) or business (financial problems)issues. In addition, if a provider confi g uration in the provisionin g path already supports the new requirements, this provider is not affected by the adaptation, thus decreasin g the processin g time.