Service contracts function as interfaces which bridge IT implementation, business modeling, and economical analysis among stakeholder. We report a review of recent research/practice(to be completed) with focus on contract content and contract management. Dimensions of { Quality of data(QoD), Quality of service(QoS), Legal issue, Context, Business term } and { Description of contract, Monitor/Control, Selection, Matchmaking, Composition } are empirically chosen for evaluation purpose. We also propose future directions.
Related workQoDTable I SERVICE CONTRACT CONTENT.Empirically we adopt the following dimensions: QoD: multiple metrics which are used to describe data quality,e.g. Table I shows initial evaluation on related works. ("V" stands for positive, "X" stands for negative.)
II. SERVICE CONTRACT LIFECYCLERelated work Descr Moni Selec Match Comp -ption /Cont -tion -make -sit Jarma .et [15] V V X X X Wrighta and Fergussonb [30] V X X X X Bochicchio and Longo .et [5] V V V V X Meiera .et [16] X V X X X Zou .et [32] V V X X X Homburg and Stebel [14] V V X X X Simoni .et [22] X V V X X Comuzzi and Pernici [10] X X V V X Bravetti and Zavattaro [6] V X X X V Padovani [19] V X V V V Burbon [7] V X X X X Telang and Singh [24] X V X X X Zimmermann [31] V X X V V Gao .et [13] X V X X X Berberova and Bontchev [3] V X X X X Datta and Roy [11] X X X X X Abu-Matar and Gomaa [1] V X V X V Truong .et [28] V V[26] V[26] V V Andrikopoulos .et [2] V X X V V Bicer .et [4] X X X X V Fenech .et [12] V X X X V Spillner .et [23] V V X X V Muller .et [17] V X X V X Nepal and Zic [18] V X X X V Panziera .et [21] and Palmonari .et[20] V V V V X Comerio .et [9] V X X V VTable II SERVICE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.Empirically we adopt the following dimensions: Description of contract: activity and implementation process of describing service contract content;Monitor/Control: monitor refers to tracing/checking the quality of behavior, traffic or output, and control refers to