We use direct numerical simulation of forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with 256 3 and 512 3 grid points and Reynolds number based on Taylor microscale up to 250 to examine a priori the scaling properties of the subgrid-scale kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. It is found that the two quantities are strongly correlated and a power-law scaling assumption holds reasonably well. However, the scaling exponent, which was assumed to be weakly varying in previous studies, is found to change considerably with the filter characteristic width.In the large eddy simulation ͑LES͒, the large-scale features of the flow are resolved directly via a numerical scheme while the effect of the unresolved scales of motion is accounted for by using subgrid-scale ͑SGS͒ models. 1 From the point of view of LES model development, the statistical information about behavior of the small-scale flow quantities is of great importance, for it can be used to verify the underlying assumptions of existing SGS models and provide constraints that have to be satisfied by the ones currently in development. [2][3][4][5] The governing equations for LES are obtained by applying a filtering procedure to the Navier-Stokes equations. In this study, we consider the incompressible case,Here ū i = u i ء G is the filtered velocity, P = p / is the modified pressure, is the kinematic viscosity, and ij = u i u j − ū i ū j is the SGS stress tensor, which has to be modeled. Summation over repeated indices is implied. The filter kernel G is assumed to be non-negative and satisfy ʈGʈ 1 =1. To solve Eqs. ͑1͒ and ͑2͒ numerically, one needs to have a model for ij . A sizable fraction of models for ij in the current literature, referred to as one-equation models, employ the SGS kinetic energy k s = ii / 2 for modeling ij : as a part of scalar eddy viscosity, 6-8 tensor eddy viscosity 9 or a particular scaling factor. 10-12 To obtain k s , one needs to solve an auxiliary transport equation,Here ⌸ =− ij S ij is the term responsible for the energy transfer between resolved and subgrid scales ͑energy transfer term͒; S ij = 1 2 ͑ץū i / ץx j + ץū j / ץx i ͒ is the resolved strain-rate tensor; Q i is the flux of k s due to inertial and pressure terms, which is usually modeled using an eddy-viscosity ansatz, and ⑀ s is the dissipation rate of k s given byThe quality of models for ij and ⑀ s is crucial for maintaining the correct energy budget in LES. While modeling ij is responsible for the correct energy transfer between the resolved and subgrid scales and is ultimately responsible for the stability of LES calculations that employ zero-equation models, the model for ⑀ s plays the same role in LES calculations with one-equation models. Usually modeling of ⑀ s is dealt with by using