Virtual natural phenomena obtained through mathematical-physical modeling and simulation as well as graphics emulation can meet the user's requirements for sensory experiences to a certain extent but they can hardly have the same accurate physical consistency as real natural phenomena. The technology for data acquisition and natural phenomena simulation can enable us to obtain multi-dimensional and multi-modal data directly from real natural phenomena and, based on these real data, to establish digital models highly consistent with real natural phenomena in appearance, physics, behavior or many other aspects, thus making a virtual natural phenomenon a direct mapping of real natural phenomenon. This approach is conducive to resolving problems concerning the reliability and availability of virtual reality. At present the technology for acquiring and simulating dada of natural phenomena is still in its initial stage. This paper gives a review of the related investigations. Firstly, we briefly introduce the basic methods and techniques concerned, then, based on the difference between the basic elements of various natural phenomena, we discuss the current studies on such natural phenomena as light, water, fire, smoke, dynamic terrain, etc., and finally, in connection with issues in the present research and possible future direction of development, we put forth a number of theoretical and technical problems, hoping they can be resolved in the near future.