“…As expected, these isotherms demonstrate an increase in equilibrium moisture content (EMC) with increasing relative humidity for the five powders. Similar curves shapes for semolina,(Erbas, Ertugay, & Certe, ; Hébrard et al, ; Murrieta‐Pazos et al, ) rice,(Bingol, Prakash, & Pan, ; Toğrul & Arslan, ) maize,(Oyelade, Tunde‐Akintunde, Igbekac, Okeb, & Rajid, ; Samapundo et al, ) and legume seeds or legume flowers(Menkov, ; Moreira, Chenlo, Torres, & Prieto, ; Nikolay & Menkov, ) have been reported in the literature. The two legume powders show the same behavior and adsorbing the same amounts of water for each relative humidity range.…”