Theta solvents for polystyrene are prepared from high-viscosity blends of styrene and low-molecular-weight polystyrene, and then used to make dilute solutions with monodisperse polystyrene solutes of high-M=2.3, 6.0, 9.0, 18.0" 105. A Weissenberg rheogoniometer is used to measure the non-Newtonian viscosity ~/ as a function of shear stress T, for low T values, and also the complex viscosity components r/' and ~f' as functions of frequency o~. A capillary viscometer is used for high-z measurements of r/(•). Viscometric properties, at room temperature, are analyzed as functions of high-molecular-weight solute concentration c with parameters of constant ror co to obtain [r/(z)], [t/' (co)], and [q" (co)]. Such a collection of data has apparently not previously been available for polymers ,in theta solvents (in which Gaussian chain statistics prevail). Also unique is the achievement of high stress (~= 2. 104pa) at low shear rate, by virtue of high solvent viscosity which is not characteristic of other known theta solvents.