We consider the three-body Casimir-Polder interaction between three atoms during their dynamical self-dressing. We show that the time-dependent three-body Casimir-Polder interaction energy displays nonlocal features related to quantum properties of the electromagnetic field and to the nonlocality of spatial field correlations. We discuss the measurability of this intriguing phenomenon and its relation with the usual concept of stationary three-body forces.PACS numbers: 12.20. Ds, 42.50.Ct One striking aspect of quantum mechanics is the existence of nonlocal correlations between spatially separated objects [1,2]. This might in principle give rise to nonlocal observable effects, although the possibility of using such correlations for transmitting superluminal signals has been investigated in many different frameworks with negative conclusions [3]. Quantum fields display nonlocal correlations too [4] and it is therefore relevant to investigate if these correlations have observable consequences. In this letter we discuss observable manifestations of nonlocality of quantum electromagnetic fields in dynamical three-body Casimir-Polder forces between three atoms; in the present context they arise from nonlocal spatial correlations of the electric field in the vacuum state during the dynamical self-dressing of the atoms. The physical basis of our work is that Casimir-Polder (CP) long-range interatomic interactions are directly related to the electric field correlations evaluated at the positions of the atoms, both for two-and many-body components [5,6,7,8]. In the case of three atoms, in which we are mainly interested, the CP potential energy is related to the electric field correlation at the position of two atoms, dressed by the third. In the dynamical (i.e. time-dependent) case, for example during the selfdressing or the spontaneous decay of one of the three atoms, spatial field correlations have a nonlocal evolution and we investigate if this has observable consequences in the three-body Casimir-Polder interaction between the three atoms. On the other hand, three-body CasimirPolder forces can be also obtained, from different physical considerations, as the interaction of one atom with the field fluctuations generated by the other two atoms [9]. In a dynamical situation, field fluctuations are expected to propagate causally, and thus the interaction with the third atom is not expected to show nonlocal features.In this paper we compare in detail results from the two approaches outlined above, and show that apparently contradictory conclusions derive from the fact that the two approaches consider two different, albeit related, interaction energies. Also, our results suggest that what is * Electronic address: roberto.passante@fisica.unipa.it usually considered as the three-body energy, as obtained from the energy shift of the system due to the atomfield interaction, needs a careful definition from the point of view of measurement theory. We wish to point out that Casimir forces in non-equilibrium situations have rece...