Quantum Memory (QM) commonly refers to a system that reversibly transfers quantum states between a material storage system and a propagating electromagnetic field. It represents a key component in quantum information science and technology.
Over the past 25 years, a wide range of theoretical protocols and experimental approaches to QM has been studied. These include optical delays, mechanical resonators, topological approaches, solid state spins, trapped single atoms and ions, and atomic ensembles.
New applications of QM are being investigated and discovered all the time, including quantum computation, long‐distance entanglement distribution, quantum teleportation, and long‐distance quantum key distribution.
Challenges to the implementation of QM include inefficiencies in storing and recovering the quantum state, and decoherence, which usually manifests by environment‐induced dephasing.
In this monograph we describe, in general terms, methods and protocols that are used in many forms of QM. We also discuss the various experimental systems in which QM has been demonstrated or proposed. Additionally, we discuss the applications of QM that have been identified and progress made in implementing those applications.