We assess the dependence on substrate dimensionality of the asymptotic scaling behavior of a whole family of equations that feature the basic symmetries of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. Even for cases in which, as expected from universality arguments, these models display KPZ values for the critical exponents and limit distributions, their behavior deviates from KPZ scaling for increasing system dimensions. Such a fragility of KPZ universality contradicts naive expectations, and questions straightforward application of universality principles for the continuum description of experimental systems.One of the most powerful concepts in contemporary Statistical Mechanics is the idea of universality, by which microscopically dissimilar systems show the same large scale behavior, provided they are controlled by interactions that share dimensionality, symmetries, and conservation laws. Being rooted in the behavior of equilibrium critical systems [1], universality has more recently allowed to describe scaling behavior far from equilibrium [2-4], as for e.g. the stock market [5], crackling-noise [6], or random networks [7]. In complex systems like these, universality provides an enormously simplifying framework, as significant descriptions can be put forward on the basis of the general principles just mentioned.Celebrated non-equilibrium systems include those with generic scale invariance, displaying criticality throughout parameter space [8]. Examples are self-organizedcritical [9] and driven-diffusive systems [10], or surface kinetic roughening [11]. Indeed, the paradigmatic KardarParisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation for a rough interface [12]is very recently proving itself as a remarkable instance of universality. Here, h(x, t) is a height field above substrate position x ∈ R d at time t, and η is Gaussian white noise with zero mean and variance 2D. Thus, the exact asymptotic height distribution function has been very recently obtained for d = 1 [13][14][15]: it is given by the largest-eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices in the Gaussian unitary (GUE) (orthogonal, GOE) ensemble, the Tracy-Widom (TW) distribution, for globally curved (flat) interfaces, as proposed in [16], see reviews in [17,18]. Besides elucidating fascinating connections with probabilistic and exactly solvable systems, these results are showing that, not only are the critical exponent values common to members of this universality class, but also the distribution functions and limiting processes are shared by discrete models and continuum equations [19], and by experimental systems, from turbulent liquid crystals [20] to drying colloidal suspensions [21].In view of the success for d = 1 (1D) substrates, a natural important step is to assess the behavior of the KPZ universality class when changing space dimension, analogous to e.g. the experimental change from 2D to 1D behavior for ferromagnetic nanowires, that nonetheless occurs within the creeping-domain-wall class [22]. Thus, for discrete models and the continuous equation itself, indeed...