The exciting physics of quantum phase transitions has been explored extensively in the last few years [1,2]. The non-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum system when quenched very fast [3] or slowly across a quantum critical point [4,5] has attracted the attention of several groups recently. The possibility of experimental realizations of quantum dynamics in spin-1 Bose condensates [6] and atoms trapped in optical lattices [7,8] has led to an upsurge in studies of related theoretical models [3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33].In this review, we concentrate on the dynamics of quantum spin chains swept across a quantum critical or multicritical point or along a gapless line by a slow (adiabatic) variation of a parameter appearing in the Hamiltonian of the system. Our aim is to find the scaling form of the density of defects (which, in our case, is the density of wrongly oriented spins) in the final state which is reached after the system is prepared in an initial ground state and then slowly quenched through a quantum critical point. The dynamics in the vicinity of a quantum critical point is necessarily non-adiabatic due to the divergence of the relaxation time of the underlying quantum system which forces the system to be infinitely sluggish; thus the system fails to respond to a change in a parameter of the Hamiltonian no matter how slow that rate of change may be! We first recall the Kibble-Zurek argument [34,35] which predicts a scaling form for the defect density following a slow quench through a quantum critical point. We assume that a parameter g of the Hamiltonian is varied in a linear fashion such that g − g c ∼ t/τ, where g = g c denotes the value of g at the quantum critical point and τ is the quenching time. Our interest is in the adiabatic limit, τ → ∞. The energy gap of the quantum Hamiltonian vanishes at the critical point as (g − g c ) νz whereas the relaxation time ξ τ , which is inverse of the gap, diverges at the critical point. It is clear that non-adiabaticity becomes important at a timet when the characteristic time scale of the quantum system (i.e., the relaxation time) is of the order of the inverse of the rate of change of the Hamiltonian; this yields