“…Note that the right-hand side of ( 14) is continuous and piecewise smooth in neighborhood of the origin and discon- 1 The differences between model ( 14) and the models from [17] and [8] can be demonstrated, for example, as follows. The values α = 0.2, β = 1.7, p 0 = −0.18 and u 0 = −0.43 are not taken into account in [17] where the corresponding values a = α, b = β,τ k = p k , and v k = u k are outside of the allowed area in Fig. 2 √ −1 (the editors of IEEE TCOM journal, where two pioneering works [5] and [8] on the CP-PLL had been published, were notified about the above problem and discussed results but did not provide a way to inform journal's readers).…”