We present a thorough analysis of the entanglement entropies related to different symmetry sectors of free quantum field theories (QFT) with an internal U(1) symmetry. We provide explicit analytic computations for the charged moments of Dirac and complex scalar fields in two spacetime dimensions, both in the massive and massless cases, using two different approaches. The first one is based on the replica trick, the computation of the partition function on Riemann surfaces with the insertion of a flux α, and the introduction of properly modified twist fields, whose two-point function directly gives the scaling limit of the charged moments. With the second method, the diagonalisation in replica space maps the problem to the computation of a partition function on a cut plane, that can be written exactly in terms of the solutions of non-linear differential equations of the Painlevé V type. Within this approach, we also derive an asymptotic expansion for the short and long distance behaviour of the charged moments. Finally, the Fourier transform provides the desired symmetry resolved entropies: at the leading order, they satisfy entanglement equipartition and we identify the subleading terms that break it. Our analytical findings are tested against exact numerical calculations in lattice models.