cIndoor mold represents an important environmental concern, but a fundamental knowledge of fungal growth stages is needed to limit indoor fungal proliferation on finishing materials used in buildings. The present study focused on the succession of germination stages of the common indoor fungus Penicillium rubens on a gypsum substrate. This substrate is used as a model system representing porous materials that are widely used in indoor environments. Imaging with cryo-scanning electron microscopy showed that the formation of an extracellular matrix (ECM) is a phase of the isotropic growth of P. rubens that is uniquely related to germinating conidia. Furthermore, the ECM is observed only when a dry-state inoculation of the surface is applied, i.e., applying conidia directly from a 7-day-old colony, mimicking airborne contamination of the surface. When inoculation is done by spraying an aqueous conidial suspension, no ECM is observed. Moreover, it is concluded that the formation of an ECM requires active processes in the fungal cell. The porosity of the substrate proved that the ECM substance has high-viscosity characteristics. The present results stress that studies of indoor fungal growth should consider the method of inoculation, knowing that the common aqueous suspension may obscure specific stages in the initial phases of germination.
Indoor mold and moisture and their associated health effects are widespread and important societal problems (11,27). Without doubt, mold growth requires the presence of water. Water can occur in different forms and may originate from different sources in the indoor environment, i.e., as water vapor in the indoor airair humidity-or in liquid form in the pore system of a material, originating from external sources such as rain, melting snow, rising dampness, or accidental leakage.Detailed understanding of the fungal growth phases and the interaction of a substrate, water, and fungi provides information to identify the weakest link in fungal growth. Such knowledge lays the foundation for effective intervention or prevention strategies. The availability of water can be expressed in many ways. Common parameters are water activity (a w ), which is widely used in microbiology to describe the water in substrates, and relative humidity (RH), which is typically used to describe water vapor in air. In equilibrium, the two quantities are directly related (26,39).Indoor fungi can be grouped according to their water tolerance. Magan and Lacey (38) distinguished hydrophilic (waterloving) and xerophilic (dry-loving) species on the basis of the minimum water activity required for growth. This scheme has been widely accepted and is based on a 0.9 a w or 90% RH threshold value.It is known that a w or RH influences each of the main phases of the growth cycle. In studies of Aspergillus and Penicillium species (1, 7, 41) on culture media, the minimum value of the a w for germination was lower than that for linear growth, which in turn was usually lower than that for asexual sporulation.Many studies hav...