Instabilities for boson-fermion mixed condensates of trapped Alkali atoms due to the bosonfermion attractive interaction are studied using a variational method. Three regions are shown for their instabilities according to the boson-fermion interaction strength: stable, meta-stable and unstable ones. The stability condition is obtained analytically from the asymptotic expansion of the variational total energy. The life-time of metastable states is discussed for tunneling decay, and is estimated to be very long. It suggests that, except near the unstable border, meta-stable mixed condensate should be almost-stable against clusterizations. The critical border between meta-stable and unstable phases is calculated numerically and is shown to be consistent with the Mølmer scaling condition. [5][6][7], dynamical expansions after the removal of trapping potentials [8], and the instability changes of 7 Li-6 Li system with attractive boson-boson interaction [10].
Discoveries of theIn this paper, we study the instabilities and collapses of the polarized boson-fermion mixed condensates due to the attractive boson-fermion interaction. In BEC, such instabilities are observed in several systems: 1) the trapped meta-stable 7 Li BEC (observed experimentally [11]) equilibrated between the attractive boson-boson interaction and the kinetic pressure due to the finite confinement [12], 2) two-component uniform BEC (from bosons 1 and 2), whose stability condition is given by g 11 g 22 > g 2 12 (g ij : the coupling constant between bosons i and j). In the latter case, the stability condition depends only on the interaction strength, but the condition for the case 1) has also the particle number dependence [12].Let us consider the case of the trapped boson-fermion mixed condensate. In the present paper, we assume T = 0 and a spherical harmonic-oscillator for the trapping potential; extension to the deformed potential is straightforward. Using the Thomas-Fermi approximation for the fermion degree of freedom (appropriate for large N f condensate), the total energy of the system becomes a functional of the boson order-parameter Φ( r) and the fermion density distribution n f ( r): (1), the fermion-fermion interaction has been neglected; the elastic fermion-fermion s-wave scattering for a polarized gas is absent because of the Pauli blocking effects and the p-wave scattering is suppressed below 100 µK [14]. Evaluating the total energy with the variational method, we take the Gaussian ansatz for the boson order-parameter:where x = r/ξ is a radial distance scaled by the harmonic-oscillator length ξ = (h/mω) 1/2 , and N b = d 3 x|Φ(x; R)| 2 is total boson number. The variational parameter R in (2) corresponds to the root-mean-square (rms) radius of the boson density distribution. This kind of variational functions have also been used in the instability investigations of 1