A plane model of a granular system made out of interconnected disks is treated as a multibody system with variable topology and one-sided constraints between the disks. The motion of such a system is governed by a set of nonlinear algebraic and differential equations. In the paper two formalisms (Lagrangian and Newton-Euler) and two solvers (Runge-Kutta and iterative) are discussed. It is shown numerically that a combination of the Newton-Euler formalism and an iterative method allows to maintain the accuracy of the fourth order Runge-Kutta solver while reducing substantially the CPU time. The accuracy and efficiency are achieved by integrating the error control into the iterative process. Two levels of error control are introduced: one, based on satisfying the position, velocity and acceleration constraints, and another, on satisfying the energy conservation requirement. An adaptive time step based on the rate of convergence at the previous time step is introduced which also allows to reduce the simulation time. The efficiency and accuracy is investigated on a physically unstable vertical stack of disks and on multibody pendulums with 50, 100, 150 and 240 masses. An application to the problem of jamming in a two-phase flow is presented.
IntroductionThe granular models are used to describe many physical systems, such as soils, sand, grain, rock, pills, broken ice, etc., to name a few. Since granular systems are discrete, they may have some very distinct features, such as the variable spatial density (initial or developed during the dynamic process); the existence of internal degrees of freedom which may lead to microforms in a macrosystem; the formation of clusters which behave (at least during some time) as quasi-rigid bodies; and the variable interconnectivity between the particles.From the mathematical point of view a granular system of interconnected particles is a multibody system with one-sided constraints and is described by a system of nonlinear differential and algebraic equations. A model of a granular system based on a multibody approach allows to take all of the above features of the system into account. The difficulty of this approach is computational, i.e. it is associated with the numerical stability of the solution for an initial value problem and the efficiency of computations for large systems. The two requirements, efficiency and accuracy, are, of course, interconnected.The existing approach to simulating discrete granular systems is based on a model developed by P.A. Cundall, and it is widely known as a distinct element method (DEM). According to this method ''the interaction of particles is viewed as a transient problem with states of equilibrium developing whenever the internal forces balance'' (Cundall and Strack, 1979). It is reminiscent of the molecular dynamics models in a sense that the interactions are localized by choosing such a time step that the propagation of disturbances is limited only to the neighbours. In other words, a particle moves under the actions of constant external and...