“…Hence, for any g ∈ G ∈ G, we have that J(g) is connected. We note, however, that the analogous result for polynomial semigroups does not hold, as there are many examples where G ∈ G but J(G) is not connected (see [38,29,30,31,33]). See also [25] for an analysis of the number of connected components of J(G) involving the inverse limit of the spaces of connected components of the realizations of the nerves of finite coverings U of J(G), where U consists of backward images of J(G) under finite word maps in G. In fact, the number of connected components of the Julia set of a finitely generated rational semigroup is deeply related to a new kind of cohomology (called the "interaction cohomology"), which has been introduced by the second author of this paper.…”