We show that the interaction of a particle with a directionally solidified interface induces the onset of morphological instability provided that the particle-interface distance falls below a critical value. This instability occurs at pulling velocities that are below the threshold for the onset of the Mullins-Sekerka instability. The expression for the critical distance reveals that this instability is manifested only for certain combinations of the physical and processing parameters. Its occurence is attributed to the reversal of the thermal gradient in the melt ahead of the interface and behind the particle.PACS numbers: 81.05. Ni, 81.30.Fb, 81.10.Mx,81.10.Dn, 81.20.Dn The freezing of a liquid with a dispersed phase takes place in numerous natural and industrial processes. Some examples include the formation of ice lenses that result from the freezing of soil water [1], the freezing of biological cell suspensions in a cryopreservation experiment [2], the decontamination of metallic pollutants from soils [3], the growth of Y123 superconductors by the undercooling method [4] and the manufacture of particulate reinforced metal matrix composites (PMMC) [5]. The properties of these composite materials are enhanced by the addition of the dispersed elements.The freezing of a liquid suspension is associated with the interaction of the constituents of the dispersed phase with a solidifying interface. The first systematic study of this interaction was carried out by Uhlmann et al.[6]. They demonstrated the existence of a critical value for the growth rate below which the inclusions are pushed by the moving interface, and above which they are engulfed by the interface and incorporated into the solid. Consequently, very low growth rates are conducive to particles being pushed by the interface, while high growth rates are conducive to particle engulfment.The presence of an inclusion in the melt near a solid-liquid interface introduces locally a change, albeit small, in the thermal gradient ahead of the solid front. This, in turn, introduces a small deformation in the profile of the interface. The difference in the thermal conductivities of the melt and particle stands out as the cause for this interfacial deflection [7,8,9,10]. Imagine a situation wherein a solid is growing antiparallel to the direction of the heat flux and toward an inclusion that is less heat conducting than the melt in which it is immersed. Then, as the width of the gap separating the inclusion from the solid front decreases, heat becomes more easily evacuated from the solid phase than from ahead, leading to a local reversal of the thermal gradient and, consequently, to the local destabilization of the interface. As long as the particle remains pushed, the disturbance grows and propagates radially with decreasing magnitude.
FIG. 1: Sketch of a particle of radius a immersed in a melt near a deformable solid-liquid interface; aH0 is the particleinterface distance measured from the particle's center to the planar solid front, V is the interface growth...