The COVID-19 pandemic has so much impact, one of which happens in the field of education. The face-to-face prohibition in learning process which is intended to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 forces a breakthrough in educational technology. There are many consequences following up the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 concerning Online Learning and Working from Home in the Context of Prevention and Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19). The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang is one of the campuses that conducts online learning since the prohibition of face-to-face learning. The implementation of new learning method certainly has obstacles or challenges, both in terms of facilities or human resources. The objectives of this research are: 1) to measure the level student satisfaction towards online learning in terms of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy aspects. This study uses primary data which is the analysis result of questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed online by google form. The analytical technique used in this research was Partial Least Square (PLS) with the following procedures: 1) Design of a structural model (Inner Model); 2) Design of a Measurement Model (Outer Model); 3) Goodness of Fit Outer Formative Model; 4) Goodness of Fit Inner. It is then further analysed by using descriptive analysis and causal relationships. The conclusions of this study are: 1) There is a significant influence between the Learning quality variable (X1) on Student Satisfaction (X2), 2) The second hypothesis testing found out that the Learning quality variable (X1) has a significant influence on Student Learning Outcomes (Y), 3) The third hypothesis found out that Student Satisfaction (X2) had a significant influence on student learning outcomes (Y), 4) Next, the indirect effect test was used from several direct influence test results and was obtained from the result of multiplication of two or more coefficients of direct influence that shape it. Based on the theoretical model developed in this study, it shows that indirectly, the Learning quality variable through the Student Satisfaction, had an effect on student learning outcomes of 0.312.