Abstrak: Panti Asuhan Mawaddah Warohmah Malang memiliki unit usaha katering. Saat ini bergabung dengan nama Farhan Catering. Sampai saat ini unit usaha katering ini memiliki cukup banyak pelanggan. Disamping harganya yang relatif murah, katering tersebut menjual banyak macam menu yang terbilang lengkap. Mitra pengurus catering terdiri dari 9 orang. Namun manajemen usahanya masih secara konvensional dan belum memanfaatkan aplikasi IT. Sehingga solusi yang ditawarkan dengan membuat website farhan catering untuk mendukung usaha tersebut. Tujuan sistem informasi akan memudahkan promosi produk terbaru dan penjelasan tentang pemesanan katering, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemasaran dan penjualan pada unit usaha katering tersebut. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu observasi lapangan, pengumpulan data, analisis dan perancangan sistem, implementasi sistem dan pengujian. Evaluasi sistem menggunakan black box testing berfokus pada input dan output perangkat lunak tanpa mengetahui proses internal di dalam sistem. Hasil pembuatan website dan manual book petunjuk penggunaan wesbite telah diserahkan kepada ketua panti asuhan selaku pengelola Farhan Catering. Setelah menggunakan selama 2 bulan terdapat peningkatan penjualan 52.93% di Farhan catering.Abstract: The Mawaddah Warohmah Orphanage in Malang has a catering business unit, currently operating under the name Farhan Catering. Up to this point, this catering business unit has garnered a considerable number of customers. Apart from its relatively affordable prices, the catering service offers a wide variety of menus that are considered comprehensive. The catering management team consists of 9 people. However, the management of the business is still conventional and has not yet utilized IT applications. Therefore, the proposed solution is to create a Farhan Catering website to support the business. The goal of the information system is to facilitate the promotion of new products and provide explanations about catering reservations, with the expectation of enhancing marketing and sales for the catering business unit. The methodology employed includes field observation, data collection, system analysis and design, system implementation, and testing. The system evaluation utilizes black box testing, focusing on the input and output of the software without delving into the internal processes within the system. The results of creating the website and the user manual book have been handed over to the head of the orphanage who manages Farhan Catering. After using the website for 2 months, there has been a remarkable increase of 52.93% in sales for Farhan Catering.