There are 17 global goals in the Sustainable Development Goal's (SDG's), one of which is no poverty. In Indonesia, as a form of alignment with this goal, finally inaugurated policies that are considered strategic and able to reduce poverty, namely PKH, BPNT, and E-Warong policies. Included as one of the conditional social aid programs, it is known that those entitled to receive the social aid are KPM (Beneficiary Families) who have been registered in the DTKS and have met the criteria and requirements submitted. Mojokerto Regency with a poor population of up to 111.03 thousand people, through the mandate given by the central government also implements the social aid policy in order to reduce poverty growth every year. Therefore, this paper was compiled to find out the implementation of PKH, BPNT, and E-Warong in alleviating the number of poor people in the Mojokerto Regency area. Using qualitative research methods and supported by secondary data obtained from literature review techniques such as previous research as well as the official website of BPS and One Palapa Data of Mojokerto Regency. It was found that PKH, BPNT, and E-Warong were considered to have greatly contributed to alleviating poverty in Mojokerto Regency by being able to reduce KPM expenses to meet their basic needs and improve their welfare. However, in its implementation, all social aid programs are known to still reap pros and cons in their implementation in the community and need to be reviewed for sustainability.