In earlier work in collaboration with Pavel Galashin and Thomas Mc-Conville we introduced a version of chip-firing for root systems. Our investigation of root system chip-firing led us to define certain polynomials analogous to Ehrhart polynomials of lattice polytopes, which we termed the symmetric and truncated Ehrhartlike polynomials. We conjectured that these polynomials have nonnegative integer coefficients. Here we affirm "half" of this positivity conjecture by providing a positive, combinatorial formula for the coefficients of the symmetric Ehrhart-like polynomials. This formula depends on a subtle integrality property of slices of permutohedra, and in turn a lemma concerning dilations of projections of root polytopes, which both may be of independent interest. We also discuss how our formula very naturally suggests a conjecture for the coefficients of the truncated Ehrhart-like polynomials that turns out to be false in general, but which may hold in some cases.