This study examined the consistency of Chinese preschool teachers' curriculum beliefs and selfreported practices, similarities and differences between American and Chinese teachers' beliefs, and associations between teachers' personal, professional and socio-cultural characteristics and curriculum beliefs. A total of 296 Chinese teachers and 146 American teachers completed the Teacher Beliefs Scale and the Teachers' Background Information Questionnaire. Chinese teachers also completed the Instructional Activities Scale. Also, 10 teachers in each country were interviewed in depth. Principal components analyses revealed three reliable factors with similar structures for both Chinese and American teacher beliefs. However, a discriminant analysis indicated significant crossnational differences in teachers' level of endorsement of specific beliefs. Moderate associations were found between Chinese teachers' curriculum beliefs and self-reported practices. Chinese teachers' general education, professional training, location of school, and class sizes were all significantly associated with their beliefs. For American teachers, only the general education level was related to curriculum beliefs.