Olivia has attended ABC Early Learning Program since infancy, and she transitioned to the preschool classroom 3 months ago, shortly after her fourth birthday. She has always been described as an “opinionated,” “busy” child, but her behaviors were manageable throughout her infant and toddler years. However, Olivia's preschool teacher, Miss Pam, calls the director into the classroom almost daily to help her manage Olivia's behavior. Miss Pam indicates that Olivia “goes from 0 to 100” quickly and can be triggered by “anything,” including a child taking her toy, not having her preferred snack, circle time, or transitions from a preferred activity (e.g., art) to a nonpreferred activity (e.g., cleanup, nap). When upset, Olivia will hit or kick peers, throw off her shoes, rip pictures and posters from the wall, and refuse to comply with teacher directions. It can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes for Olivia to calm down and rejoin the classroom routine. Miss Pam feels that Olivia is taking away important instructional time from the rest of the children and worries about other parents complaining that their children are being hurt. At home, Olivia's mother acknowledged that Olivia is a “tough kid” and she isn't always sure how to “make her listen.” Miss Pam and the center director wonder if they can support Olivia in their program. They have told Olivia's mother that she will need to find another placement if Olivia's behaviors do not improve in the next month.