Abbreviations: BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; DVH, dose-volume histogram; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; IQR, interquartile range; LVEF, the left ventricle ejection fraction; MHD, mean heart dose; M-LAD, mean dose of left anterior descending artery; RIHD, radiation-induced heart disease; RT, radiotherapy; sST-2, solubleST-2; VMRT, volumetric-modulated radiotherapy.
AbstractBackground: Early screening and diagnosis of radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD)is difficult in patients with chest radiation exposure. sST-2 is involved in myocardial stress or injury. We evaluated the relationship between heart dose parameters and sST-2 changes in chest malignant tumor patients who received chest radiation.
Methods:We prospectively collected thoracic malignancy cancer patients who had received chest radiotherapy. Heart dosimetry parameters were extracted from the treatment planning system. sST-2 was measured at baseline, the middle stage, and after radiotherapy (recorded as pre-ST-2, mid-ST-2, and post-ST-2). sST-2 change rate was calculated. Scatter plots showed the relationship between cardiac dose parameters and ST-2 change rate. Multiple regression was used to analyze the relationship between cardiac dose parameters and ST-2 change rate.
Results:Totally, 60 patients were enrolled. The mean V 5 , V 10 , V 20 , V 30 , V 40 , and MHD was 60.93 ± 27.79%, 51.43 ± 25.44%, 39.17 ± 21.75%, 28.07 ± 17.15%,18.66 ± 12.18%, and 18.60 ± 8.63 Gy, respectively. The median M-LAD was 11.31 (IQR 3.33-18.76) Gy. The mean pre-ST-2, mid-ST-2, and post-ST-2 was 5.1 ± 3.8, 6.4 ± 3.9, and 7.6 ± 4.4, respectively. sST-2 was elevated with thoracic irradiation (P < .001). Multivariate linear regression analyses showed that V 5 , V 10 , V 20 , and MHD were independently and positively associated with ST-2 change rate (β = .04, .04, .04, and .10, respectively, all P < .05).
Conclusion: Serum sST-2 levels were elevated over time during radiotherapy. V 5 , V 10 , V 20 and MHD were independently and positively associated with the elevated ST-2 change rate. K E Y W O R D S cardiac biomarker, heart dosimetry parameters, radiation-induced heart disease, radiotherapy, sST-2 S U PP O RTI N G I N FO R M ATI O N Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section. How to cite this article: Zeng Z-M, Xu P, Zhou S, et al. Positive association between heart dosimetry parameters and a novel cardiac biomarker, solubleST-2, in thoracic cancer chest radiation. J Clin Lab Anal. 2020;34:e23150. https ://doi.