Background: Gastrointestinal complications are the main complication in patients after cesarean section. Previous studies have reported different results about the effect of early post cesarean feeding on vomiting, nausea, flatulence and illus. Objectives: To identify the effect of early post cesarean feeding on gastrointestinal complications. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 82 women who underwent cesarean section in Mashhad Omolbanin hospital. They were randomly assigned to two equal experimental and control groups. The experimental group started oral fluids four hours after surgery, followed by a regular diet after bowel sounds returned. Mothers in the control group received fluid intravenously during the initial 12 hours, and then if bowel sounds were heard, they were permitted to receive oral fluids and they could start a solid diet if they had defecation. Vomiting and flatulence were assessed with a visual analog scale. Nausea was assessed with an observation questionnaire and illus was assessed via bowel sounds, gas passing and defecation 4, 12, 24, 36 and 48, hours post surgery in the two groups. Also, they were studied for the time of gas passing, bowel sound return, defecation, sitting, walking and breast-feeding. Data were analyzed using the chi-square, Fisher's exact test, t-test and Man-Whitney U test. Results: No mother experienced nausea, vomiting and illus. Flatulence severity 4 and 12 hours after surgery was similar in both groups (P = 0.856, P = 0.392). However, flatulence severity 24, 36 and 48 hours after surgery, was less in the experimental group (P = 0.030, P = 0.016, P = 0.001). Also, bowel sound return, time of gas passing, defecation, sitting and walking were less in the experimental group (P = 0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that early feeding decreased post cesarean gastrointestinal complications.