In this trial, we assessed the effects of 2 different ages of breeders and of 2 periods of fasting posthatching on the performance of broilers up to 42 d of age. Male broilers from breeders of different ages (30 and 60 wk) were subjected to an experimental design with 4 treatments: 1) T1, chicks not subjected to fasting, from 30-wk-old breeders; 2) T2, chicks not subjected to fasting, from 60-wk-old breeders; 3) T3, chicks subjected to a 12-h fast, from 30-wk-old breeders; and 4) T4, chicks subjected to a 12-h fast, from 60-wk-old breeders. At the end of the trial, feed intake was greater for the chicks from older breeders. Fasting had a negative influence on feed intake in the period from 0 to 10 d of age. The birds from older breeders had a greater BW gain from 21 to 35 d of age when they were not subjected to a fasting period, but when birds were subjected to a fasting period, no differences between broiler breeder ages were observed on BW gain. Fasting did not exert a significant effect on the BW of the birds. Feed conversion was not influenced by the age of the breeders or by fasting.