Person-centered communication is a hallmark of palliative and end-of-life care. 1 Effective communication facilitates holistic assessment and management of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual concerns. 2 Compassionate communication is a fundamental skill for healthcare professionals to clarify patient expectations, beliefs, goals, and values; to explore individual understanding of lifethreatening illness; to share difficult news and provide emotional support. 3 During the pandemic, large numbers of clinicians were redeployed to provide this care, many of whom had little prior experience of caring for those diagnosed with life-threatening illness. Clear communication between interdisciplinary and multi-professional teams, persons with life-threatening illnesses and families is critical for building trust, reaching common ground, and guiding shared decision-making. 4 Given these multiple interactions among participants, behaviors and components, communication in palliative care meets key characteristics of a complex intervention. 5 Over one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the context of communication has changed dramatically. Personal protective equipment and physical distancing, abrupt