Simple models, like the well-known point source of dilation (Mogi's source) in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic half-space, are widely used to interpret geodetic and gravity data in active volcanic areas. This approach appears at odds with the real geology of volcanic regions, since the crust is not a homogeneous medium and magma chambers are not spheres. In this paper, we evaluate several more realistic source models that take into account the influence of self-gravitation effects, vertical discontinuities in the Earth's density and elastic parameters, and non-spherical source geometries. Our results indicate that self-gravitation effects are second order over the distance and time scales normally associated with volcano monitoring. For an elastic model appropriate to Long Valley caldera, we find only minor differences between modeling the 1982-1999 caldera unrest using a point source in elastic, homogeneous half-spaces, or in elasto-gravitational, layered half-spaces. A simple experiment of matching deformation and gravity data from an ellipsoidal source using a spherical source shows that the standard approach of fitting a center of dilation to gravity and uplift data only, excluding the horizontal displacements, may yield estimates of the source parameters that are not reliable. The spherical source successfully fits the uplift and gravity changes, overestimating the depth and density of the intrusion, but is not able to fit the radial displacements.