On the basis of faulting mapped on seismic refl ection and bathymetric data, seismicity, current plate motions, and evidence that the Yakutat block may be anomalously thick, we propose a tectonic model for Yakutat-Pacifi c interactions, including the often-debated Transition fault. To the east, deformation associated with the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault system is extending offshore, facilitating westward propagation of strike-slip motion along the eastern segment of the Transition fault. To the west, the oblique-slip Pamplona zone and Transition faults merge at an embayment in the continental margin, where a north-south dextral strikeslip fault within the Pacifi c plate, illuminated by the 1987-1992 earthquake swarm, intersects the Pacifi c-Yakutat tectonic boundary. These fault patterns are consistent with modern plate motions and refl ect a plate boundary reorganization that may be caused by resistance to subduction by the Yakutat block, a possible moderate-sized oceanic plateau.