Título: "Avaliação da crocância sensorial de alimentos crocantes secos por redes neurais convolucionais" Agências de fomento: O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -Brasil (CAPES) -Código de Financiamento 001 e pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)processo 2021/05317-9.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWhen people ask what is my purpose, I state: "I want to make everyone in the world to be capable of seeing, listening, and speaking." You would think why I worked on a project that's different from what I want to achieve soon. I thank you reader for thinking this way, we are here to learn that changing our perspectives brings us to our dreams. Life isn't linear, neither dreams nor plans.The results of this work are not mine alone, but of every person who gave an opinion.We may go faster alone, but together we can reach unexpected heights. I thank Professor Gelson Andrade da Conceição for being more than a teacher, but a friend who guided my heart and mind toward what was best for me. It was hard to transform my fixed mindset into a growth mindset. You prepared me to overcome the most difficult barrier that was making me regress in life: myself. Victor Dias de Oliveira, my best friend, you were always backing me up when I needed it. A few words can't describe how grateful I am for having you by my side. You have built a marketable version of the crispness analyzer, it's an honor to work with you to bring our initiatives into reality. I thank Professor Gustavo César Dacanal for the opportunity to work on this dissertation which is opening new opportunities at LAFLUSP. This work complemented with praise the areas that I seek to develop as a professional: the developing of new products, neural networks, and programming logic.Vivian Lara, you have planted the seed of entrepreneurship in my mind and my heart, I don't doubt that this work one day will be a reference in the control quality laboratories around Brazil, just wait and you will see.Daniela Correa and Larissa Rodrigues, you two have accompanied me in the laboratory days, that big yet hollow place, it's because of you two that we could bring energy to that place. I thank my family for supporting me.