Nursing theory is defined as "the creative and rigorous structure of ideas that present a temporal, purposeful, and systematic view of events." Through proper investigation, nurses can develop knowledge related to research or practice, improving the care of nurses. Nursing ethics are the functions of the field of nursing Is a branch of the handling application protocol. Nursing ethics with medical ethics Share multiple policies, namely respect for good, harmlessness and autonomy. The importance of relationships, by human dignity and collective care this can be distinguished. The nature of the nurse is to examine the ethics of care rather than the 'cure' of nursing ethics by examining the day-to-day interactions between the nurse and the person in care. Preliminary work to define protocols in nursing, Rather than focusing on the nurse's behavior in relation to the person in nurse care, historically involving loyalty to the physician Focused more on the virtues of making a good nurse. In recent times, nurse ethics has come to respect the human rights and dignity of the patient has further shifted towards the duty of nurse, this is reflected in many professional codes for nurses, For example, the latest code of the International Council.