Oilseed flax is a valuable multi - use oilseed crop. The Ural region is favorable for growing flax and has great prospects in the development of this direction. Producers of flax products need to know how profitable this crop is, and how the crop can behave when organisms or populations of the same species influence each other; what is the interaction of individuals or populations of different species, etc. To increase production and obtain high-quality flax products, it is necessary to increase the level of flax production culture through the use of science-based cultivation technologies. When creating a new variety, breeders take into account the needs of two categories of consumers - flax producers and flax processors. Some require flax varieties with high productivity (for seeds and fiber) and fiber quality, resistant to diseases and lodging, adapted to the conditions of the TRANS-Urals and Siberia. Others are varieties of flax that meet the numerous requirements of textile, construction, automotive, aviation, medical, and other industries, and are suitable for processing on modern flax processing equipment. In other words, the approach to creating a variety has now changed - it becomes targeted, for a specific order.