Despite the existence of a rich record, fossils of Carex have been largely neglected by neobotanists. Here we present an exhaustive critically commented checklist of the so-far published pre-Pleistocene records ascribed to Carex. We have made every attempt to include all pertinent paleobotanical literature. The extensive collection of the Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin, Germany) has also been studied. We found that up to 83 names belonging to different Carex groups may be applied to reliable remains, plus another 23 names of doubtful remains. These fossils come from more than 550 sites, mainly from C and E Europe and the Russian Federation. The age of the reliable fossil record ranges from the Eocene to recent times. Problems detected on the taxonomy, age and naming of these fossils are discussed. We hope that this work will stimulate neobotanical and paleobotanical communities to work together on broad-scope systematic projects as this one.