Arsenic has attracted great interests from scientists and governments due to its high toxicity and ubiquitous occurrence in the environment. People who are chronically exposed to As through oral, dermal, or respiration may develop serious diseases (e.g., Black foot disease) and the risks of cancers may increase [1-3]. Arsenic is globally presented in the Earth's crust, including soils, sediments, water bodies, and rocks [4-6]. Arsenic occurs in more than 200 types of minerals, which mostly are ore minerals or the alteration products of ore minerals [7]. Some sulfide minerals such as pyrite, marcasite, and sphalerite may even contain As with concentrations of higher than 10,000 mg•kg-1 [7]. Arsenic occurrence in soils, sediments, and rocks may be largely caused by these As-rich minerals [8, 9]. On the